Google or cutely called Google Chacha – the one who knows everything! among teens of India, is a gigantic technology company that easily became an unavoidable family member of cyber life. From searching something to check whether your net is working, you use the Google search engine. The word – search on net got effectively replaced by Google long back; for getting info your teachers suggest to Google it, you get your projects done easily by googling the topic on net… there will be hardly any day in your life without Google once you enter the networking world.
Google always try to be different and make you feel lucky to be using them. Google never fails to amaze mass, be it Easter eggs, Google pranks, new projects, AI ventures, its campus, Google has a way of its own. There are a lot of interesting Google tricks and tips that you don’t know yet, here I am listing a few:
• Even subtraction works on words in google.
If you want to exclude some words from your search term, just insert minus (-) followed by the words to exclude and they will be avoided from search.
• Want to search within a website? Google will help you!
Sometimes certain website won’t be providing search bar to search through it and you badly want to search for a post on that website that is way old, no issues! Just type site: followed by the URL of the site and your search terms and search for results.
• Google telephone directory
If you specifically want contact number of a company type and search- phone number company-name. Smart search right there!
• Google does multitasking!
Do two Google searches at once by adding or between the two search terms.
• Need some GIFs to go LOL?
Just set Type to Animated on search tool of Google to get funny GIF results.
• Forgot that movie title or song?
You can fill the terms you forgot with asterisks (*) and Google will try to fill it for you; Play fill in the blanks with Google 😉
• Dino runs!
Remember that dinosaur you see when the net is not working? Well, that runs and you can play game with it. Press space bar to start and T-rex dino will start running, press it further for jumps to save it from hitting cactuses or birds. A pretty good time-pass until network connection gets back to right, I will say!
• Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) by Google
The Accelerated Mobile Pages Project (AMP) is an online publishing format optimized for mobile web browsing, intended to help webpages load rapidly when clicked in the Google search results pages. Instead loading a new page or tab, it loads an instant page or preview version which makes it faster. Google respects your time and patience right?!
• Google can follow orders!
If you want to search for terms in their exact order, just put them in quotation marks and Google will follow your order absolutely.
• Google can be your timer or stopwatch.
Set a timer with Google by typing set timer for followed by the amount of time and press enter to start it.
• Google will go round and round…
Type do a barrel roll and enter to see Google doing the barrel roll or say, going round and round.
• Page eating o’s
Type zerg rush and enter to get golden zeroes to eat your page out, try saving your page buddy! Yet another fun time pass.
Have fun with Google from now on!
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